Malapropism is when you use a word incorrectly in place of a similar sounding word. It isn't "you're" instead of "your" or "they're" instead of "their", that's just bad grammar. Its saying "Self-depreciating" when its "Self-deprecating". They're meant to have a humourous outcome as any late night comic/TV show displayed for us constantly a few years ago. Remember this guy:
Malapropism Accomplished |
He used them all the time, and not on purpose. It seemed like every speech he made he flubbed. "If the terriers and bariffs are torn down, this economy will grow." or "Oftentimes, we live in a processed world, you know, people focus on the process and not results." Dan Quayle ("Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child.") and Yogi Berra ("Texas has a lot of electrical votes") are two other people who unintentionally made them. Shakespeare used them on purpose for various literary devices such as foreshadowing.
I was using malaproisms before they were cool. |
My family also suffers from it. The best example I can come up with was during a game of Monopoly with the family. It was down to my grandparents, and my grandma had landed on a square with a hotel. She was done for, but her stubbornness wouldn't allow her to admit defeat. She had sole and mortgaged everything but still kept trying to find a way to not lose. My grandpa had had enough and asked 'Well, do you conceive?" We had a good laugh at that. I can think of two that most people use very often: 'Do you take interact?" instead of 'Interac' and when people say 'for all intensive purposes' instead of 'for all intents and purposes'.
You're screwed. |
And that is what I learned today.
Bonus Fact:
-A Mondegreen is when something is misheard instead of being missaid. Elton John's 'Bennie and the Jets' is a good example. No one knows the lyrics to that....
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